Registering As a Beneficiary
Maintaining an accurate Beneficiary Roll is one of the core functions of the Ngāti Koata Trust, which is the representative body of the Ngāti Koata iwi.
To be accepted on to the Beneficiary Roll you need to provide a full account of your whakapapa. This requires you to identify your ancestors – parent(s), grandparent(s) and great grandparents through to a known Ngāti Koata tupuna.
The list of Ngāti Koata tūpuna comes from:
The Ngāti Koata owners of Rangitoto (Native Land Court – Nelson Minute Book 1, Page 28, dated Tuesday 20th November 1883)
The Ngāti Koata original owners in the Tenths Reserves (Native Land Court Nelson Minute Book 3, pages 46 – 57, 24 November 1892), or The Ngāti Koata Nelson Tenth’s owners alive in 1893 (Native Land Court – Nelson Minute Book 3, Page 268-279 dated 31st July 1895)
Sec 34 Native Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act 1901
Special Resolution of the Board

Validation and Confirmation
All registration applications must be validated by the Ngāti Koata Trust before final acceptance. Once validated, confirmation of your registration will be sent to you, along with your Ngāti Koata Trust membership registration number.
Where an application for registration is declined the applicant may appeal that decision.
Once you have been accepted on to the Beneficiary Roll we undertake to inform you of iwi matters and to give you the opportunity to participate in iwi decision-making processes.
We ask that you please keep your membership details, including email and phone contacts, up to date so that we are able to keep you informed of all iwi matters.
How To Apply
To become a member or beneficiary of the Ngāti Koata Trust, please follow these steps:
1. Download the Membership Application Form
Complete the form and submit it to us via email or mail. You can also visit our office to fill out the form in person.
2. Submit Required Documents
Please include a copy of your birth certificate or a similar form of identification that confirms your birth details.
3. Submit Your Application
Forward the completed registration form to the Trust Office by either:
Email: or
Post: PO Box 1659, Nelson, New Zealand 7040
Update Your Contact Details
If you are already registered with Ngāti Koata Trust and need to update your contact details please fill in the fields below. Your date of birth will be used to confirm that it is YOUR details we will be changing. An email or letter will be sent to you to confirm the changes. Ngāti Koata Trust will in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 2020, make available to you upon request the personal information it holds on you and will make any appropriate corrections to that information to ensure that the information held is accurate.