Ngāti Koata MACA (Takutai Moana) Application

Ngāti Koata Trust has sought to have the mana of Ngāti Koata recognised in the takutai moana surrounding Rangitoto ki te Tonga. The Trust has done so under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011. The Trust has led this mahi on behalf of Ngāti Koata and is working towards completing the process by mid-2023.
Te Takutai Moana Act 2011 provides for the recognition of customary interests of iwi, hapū, and whānau in the common marine and coastal area of Aotearoa, including its offshore islands. The Act also provides for the right of all New Zealanders to access and use the common marine and coastal area. 
The Trust will be providing MACA information on this page for iwi members over the coming months as we move towards the completion of an agreement with the Crown.  This will culminate in a hui-ā-iwi to present the final agreement for consideration by Ngāti Koata iwi members and approval if agreed.
If iwi members have any questions about MACA or the process to come, please contact the Trust office.  See MACA information below.